What are date ranges?
Date ranges allow you to narrow your search down to only show data from a particular time period. This can include whole days or specific hours.
How do you access the date range menu?
The date range menu can be accessed from anywhere in the console, by clicking on the calendar button at the top-right of any page:
Date ranges explained:
1. Calendar view
Use this three-month calendar to select your start and end dates. Scroll left or right using the ‘<’ and ‘>’ buttons to see earlier or later months.
Click once to select a start date, then again to select an end date (or just click once to choose a single day).
2. Preset date ranges
You can choose one of our preset date ranges to set the calendar to a certain date range in one click:
3. Start and end times
Use these sliders to select a start and end time for your date range. If one day is selected on the calendar, these sliders will set your date range in hours. If multiple days are selected, the start time will apply to the first day, and the end time to the last day.
4. Use whole days
This toggles the appearance of the start and end time sliders. Choose ‘yes’ if you would like to apply a date range in whole days (hiding the start and end times). Whole days run from midnight to 23:59 on the chosen day(s).
5. Apply and Close buttons
Click to apply the selected date range and reload the page to show only the appropriate data. Close to dismiss the menu without applying any changes.
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